Council Chair: Alyssa Brewer
Council Analyst: Michelle Chen
A. Membership
1. The Council on Planning and Budget shall consist of sixteen Division members, of which no more than four members are from any one of the following groups:
a. Arts/Education/Humanities
b. Biological Sciences/Physical Sciences
c. Business/Engineering/Law
d. ICS/Social Ecology/Social Sciences
e. College of Health Sciences
In addition, the Chair Elect-Secretary of the Irvine Division shall be an ex officio member. Appropriate administrative officers and staff members may be invited to serve as consultants.
2. The membership shall be broadly representative of the existing Faculties of the Division as identified in the Bylaws of the Division.
3. No administrative officer whose regular duties include the initiation of resource plans or budgets shall serve on the Council. Such officers include, but are not limited to, Deans, Associate Deans, Department Chairs and Vice Chairs, Directors, and Assistant Directors. Exceptions to the exclusion of persons holding one of these titles may be made at the discretion of the chair of CPB upon verification that the individual in question does not have titular duties redundant with the role of CPB. Such exceptions will be limited to individuals having the title of Vice Chair, Director, and Assistant Director.
4. In selecting members, preference for at least half of the membership shall be given to individuals with prior Senate committee service.
B. Duties
1. Confers with and advises the Chancellor, the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, and campus administrative units on matters of planning, budget, and resource allocations on both short and long-term bases.
2. Initiates studies in planning and budget matters and, if necessary to accomplish such studies, authorizes establishment of ad hoc committees to carry out investigations and prepare reports.
3. On matters relating to academic program planning and budget, receives reports from and maintains liaison with the Council on Academic Personnel, the Council on Educational Policy, the Graduate Council, the Council on Research, Computing, and Libraries, and other Senate committees that initiate actions relevant to academic planning and budgeting. Because program evaluation is central to long-range planning, the Council will receive reports on academic program reviews from the Graduate Council and the Council on Educational Policy, on reviews of self-supporting graduate and professional degree programs (SSGPDPs) from the Subcommittee on SSGPDP Reviews, and on reviews of research units from the Council on Research, Computing, and Libraries.
4. Maintains liaison with the University Committee on Planning and Budget.
5. Report regularly to the Irvine Division of the Academic Senate on matters under consideration.
6. Monitors the review of administrative units at UCI.
7. Maintains close and ongoing liaison with University Advancement & Alumni Relations.
8. Serves as the Senate resource for administrative consultation on matters of: a) policy decisions relating to the solicitation, administration, and expenditure of non-federal extramural funds, b) setting of priorities in broad UCI fund-raising efforts, and c) planning, budgeting and allocating resources for promoting diversity among the faculty and other campus constituencies.
9. Monitors the development of UCI’s open space, recommends and encourages appropriate studies, advises the Senate and the administration, and makes recommendations regarding campus planning and development issues. The Council shall serve as liaison between the Academic Senate and the campus administration in all matters of UCI land use and the development of open space throughout the entire planning and implementation cycle.
Policies and Procedures: Irvine Bylaw 115. Planning and Budget, Council on