The Academic Senate Awards will be presented on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Newkirk Alumni Center.
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Event Program
Distinguished Senior Faculty Award for Research
Roxane Cohen Silver
Distinguished Professor
Department of Psychological Science
Presentation Title:
Coping with Collective Traumas: From Mass Violence to COVID-19
Distinguished Mid-Career Faculty Award for Research
John Chaput
Department of Pharmaceutical Science
Distinguished Early-Career Faculty Award for Research
Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen
Professor – Law School
School of Law
Distinguished Early-Career Faculty Award for Research
Asaf Ferber
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Distinguished Early-Career Faculty Award for Teaching
Celia Louise Faiola
Associate Professor
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Distinguished University Service Award
Dan M. Cooper
Distinguished Professor
Department of Pediatrics
Distinguished Mid-Career Faculty Award for Service
Long Bui
Associate Professor
Department of Global & International Studies