Committee Chair: Candice Odgers
Committee Analyst: Christine Aguilar
The Committee on Scholarly Honors and Awards shall consist of five members of the Division with no more than one member from any Faculty. Consideration shall be given to previous recipients of the Academic Senate Faculty Awards and the UCI Medal, or previous members of the Council on Academic Personnel.
The duties of this Committee shall be:
- Solicit candidates from the Irvine Division and select the recipients for the Academic Senate Faculty Awards. The Academic Senate members selected shall be designated the recipients for the subsequent academic year.
- Normally, there will be one award recipient in each award category unless there are two equally qualified nominees, in which case the Committee could select the two equally qualified nominees to receive the award and the amount of the award would be split between them.
- Solicit candidates from the Irvine Division and nominate, for special appointment by the Chancellor, an Academic Senate member (or members) who shall be the designated recipient (or recipients) of the UCI Medal. Such medals shall be awarded at an appropriate campus event. There shall be no specific number of medals awarded each year nor is there a requirement that the medal be awarded every year.
- Advise the Division on the appropriateness of scholarly honors and awards.
- Seek diversity in the slate of Senate award nominees.
- Establish additional Academic Senate Faculty Awards in consultation with the Senate Chair. Members will also solicit candidates and select recipients for any new awards, in addition to those currently in place.
Subcommittees: None
Policies and Procedures: Irvine Bylaw 127: Scholarly Honors and Awards, Committee on