Council Chair: Tonya Bradford
Council Analyst: Thao Nguyen
A. Membership
1. The Graduate Council shall consist of one member from each of the Faculties of the Division (as defined by Irvine Bylaw 40).
a. The Dean of the Graduate Division and the Chair of the Academic Program Review Board shall serve as ex officio non-voting members.
2. The Council Officers include the Chair, Vice Chair and a Representative to the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA).
a. The Divisional representative to CCGA may also hold the position of Chair or Vice Chair.
B. Duties
1. Assume the responsibilities enumerated in Senate Bylaw 330.
2. Report and make recommendations to the Divisional Senate Assembly & Senate Cabinet on rules and regulations governing graduate education, graduate work and bylaws.
3. Advise the Chancellor on all matters relating to graduate education, policies, and work on the Irvine campus.
4. Monitor and ensure quality and diversity in graduate programs. If the Council determines that a graduate program does not have the quality required of a UC education then the Council may suspend admissions to that program, until further notice. Any review or further vetting will be in accordance with the most current Systemwide guidelines set forth by CCGA.
5. Recommend the award of graduate student support. This includes, but is not limited to, block grant and graduate fellowships.
6. Set standards and campus policies for graduate student employee positions.
7. Set standards and campus policies for the conferral of graduate degrees. This includes, but is not limited to, rules and regulations of doctoral dissertation committees and advancement to candidacy.
8. Approve the awarding of graduate degrees for Master’s and Doctoral candidates.
9. Review and approve all graduate courses.
10. Periodically review and evaluate all graduate programs of study, including self-supporting graduate and professional degree programs (SSGPDPs), in coordination with the Council on Educational Policy and the Academic Program Review Board, or the Council on Planning and Budget and the Subcommittee on SSGPDP Reviews, as appropriate.
11. Provide academic policy oversight on all graduate matters concerned with the University of California’s Education Abroad Program (EAP), UCI study abroad programs, other formal educational activities of UCI students abroad, and faculty exchanges between UCI and foreign universities.
12. Maintain liaison with CCGA and, in coordination with the Council on Educational Policy, the University Committee on International Education.
- Academic Program Review Board (APRB)
- Subcommittee on Graduate Courses and Program Modifications
- Subcommittee on SSGPDP Reviews (SSGPDP) – a subcommittee of GC & CPB
Policies and Procedures: Irvine Bylaw 100. Graduate Council