Council Chair: Allison Perlman
Senate Analyst: Gina Anzivino
A. Membership
The Council on Educational Policy (Undergraduate) shall consist of two members from each Faculty offering an undergraduate degree, and the Chair of the SCOC (Subcommittee on Undergraduate Courses and Continuing, Part-Time, and Summer Session Education). Ex officio members shall be the Registrar, the Dean of Undergraduate Education, the Campus Writing Coordinator, and the Chair of the Academic Program Review Board.
B. Duties
1. Consider all matters related to academic policy, and make recommendations regarding curricula and programs and other educational matters, including general campus requirements and grading systems. Issue recommendations on the establishment, substantive modifications or withdrawal of academic programs; review and report on the character of the educational programs on the Irvine campus; make recommendations about undergraduate policy matters and evaluate their effect on campus diversity. Supervise the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement. Formulate the policies for, and supervise the requirement in American History and Institutions. Act for the Division in approving new or amended degree requirements recommended to the Division by the several Faculties. In the event of failure by the Council to approve new or amended degree requirements within sixty (60) calendar days following the original submission of such recommendations by a Faculty, the Faculty in question may refer the matter directly to the Divisional Senate Assembly for action.
2. Act as a screening committee for the general education options (see IR 520). Solicit courses from the academic units, review them, and approve or disapprove them. Advise units of any overlap between proposed and existing courses and of areas not covered by the proposals. The Council may request that units submit special kinds of courses to meet the requirement. Review all general education option courses at regular intervals and take appropriate action.
3. Act on final recommendations from the Campus Writing Coordinator for recertification of courses satisfying the upper-division writing requirements; the Campus Writing Coordinator shall conduct a recertification review of these courses at regular intervals and recommend to CEP whether a course continues to meet writing course guidelines or whether CEP should inform the unit that the course no longer fulfills the upper-division requirement.
4. Provide guidance on all matters related to student learning assessment, including policy development around assessment of student learning at the classroom, course, program, general education, and institutional levels. Monitor the university’s progress in implementing its assessment plan, including those recommendations resulting from regional reaccreditation review, and, where appropriate, promote the use of assessment results in planning activities.
5. Provide advice on all educational policy matters pertaining to the core campus undergraduate programs and advice on matters relating to continuing, part-time, and summer session education. In matters pertaining to the establishment, substantive modification or withdrawal of programs that may impact core campus academic programs, the Council shall issue recommendations with the Graduate Council, as applicable.
6. Provide academic policy oversight on all undergraduate matters concerned with the University of California’s Education Abroad Program (EAP), UCI study abroad programs, and other formal educational activities of UCI students abroad, and faculty exchanges between UCI and foreign universities.
7. Maintain liaison with the University Committees on Educational Policy, Preparatory Education, and, in coordination with Graduate Council, International Education.
- Policy and Assessment Subcommittee (SCPA)
- Academic Program Review Board (APRB)
- Subcommittee on Courses & Continuing, Part-Time, & Summer Session Education (SCOC)
Policies and Procedures: Irvine Bylaw 85. Educational Policy (Undergraduate), Council on